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You are in a ranked match event!
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Added Online Teams creation system
Added Team Rosters and Team Management
Added Team Portal / Control Panel
Added Team Public/Private pages
Added Team "Clan Tags"
Added Team Applications (Free Agents)
Game style updates
Website style updates
Misc quality of life updates
Website style updates
New tournament map selections
Fixed matchmaking queue display bug
Website style updates
Added bot team matchmaking
Server https support
Fixed user stats issue
Added a scoreboard note about swabbing
Backend API updates
Fixed a first round low fps issue
Website style updates
Game style updates
Matchmaking stat fixes
Opening of 1v1 matchmaking
Rank/ELO Separation into Team and Solo
Game style updates
Added Ranked Matchmaking + ELO system.
Added "Traded" event and recognition (when two players shoot eachother out at same time)
Added new Crosshairs feature and unlocks
Added a few new loadout/customization items and restructured many others
Added an audio file local cache (speed up future game loads)
Increased amount of maps defined as popular
Limited name display length on game field
Removed "select bot" spam when no bot available
Made bot pods dynamic for longer game modes
Fixed newsletter leaderboards
Modified AFK check due to to many false positives
Now opening the Loadout Stats does not select the item
Updated players profile match history layout to read better
Tied map picks are now randomly selected
Added Pagination and group selection to the Field Gallery
Added/adjusted some new gear/unlocks to player loadout
Revamped Teampicker and escape menu in-game
Made dynamic messages in game
Revamped game match log page
Refreshed Player Loadouts page / Layout UI updates
Website style updates
Game style updates
StatTrack display fix
Game stats/logs bug fixes
Minor bot targeting tweaks
Website style updates
Game style updates
Server bug fixes
Created Gun Proficiency system! (Gun stats + XP bonuses to level up each gun!)
Added StatTrack system for all types of guns
Added new markers, masks, packs (which also affects pods and player speed), barrels, hoppers, and tanks!
Added many more markers + special StatTrack markers. (SUPER Thanks to NoahDBoss!)
Added new supporter Perks + new Perks page
Added a minimum time allowance to being kicked to spectate
Server paintball related crash fix
Updated "ping" of players who shot you to be more visible
Stat category separation + new leaderboard options
Created VIP and Contributor system
Created an onload game interstitial (+pick teams)
Added timestamp to in-game chat and logs
Added different round lengths
Website style updates
Game style updates
Editor bug fixes
Server bug fixes
Fixed on room crash always reloading players into playing state
Fixed slow loading on Join/Play-Now page
Fixed player hit splats not showing/disappearing rather than fading
Tweaked ball render and size
Tournaments now use smaller (original) paintball size, adding to tournament difficulty
Changed game logic so draws vs bot only teams is now a loss + added warning text notification
Website style updates
Minor game style updates
Updated field editor to rebuild from center out on field size dimension changes
Added default drop down of recommended field sizes to field editor
Website style updates and fixes
Speed up game select page load
Updated bots to target any player on field
Fixed deathmatch games always showing up as a loss
Fixed tournament hangup bug
Fixed trophy display bug
New tournament mode - A.I. play / fill brackets
Update paintball bullet render size by 25%
Player previews now also display what marker, hopper, and barrel the player is currently using.
Game style updates
Server updates
Made it so if the game is in the background it does not batch the sounds
Added a sanity check to the impedance system
Fixed bug when a dead player leaves a match the bot is active
Fixed bug in chat system, if you changed your pass it would not login
Fix for spectators getting stats for a game
Fix deathmatch showing incorrect winners
Removed exp hindrance from deathmatch
Website style updates
Game style updates
Server updates
New Team Deathmatch game mode!
Added new gun, hopper, & barrel pixel art (SUPER Thanks to Jim!)
Created a map group system for multiple separate map selections
Found a bug with possible lost clicks and button events
Re-design player loadout selection
Added preview sound to gun and hopper select
Created lag smoothing and impedance system
Added display of remaining daily bonuses (Thanks NoahDBoss!)
Created weekly news/stats email
Added a notification to map creators when their map is approved for rotation
Fixed bug where you would takeover multiple bots
Fixed and instance where your team will chose you as a target
Fixed Leaderboard stats bug (kills, deaths, and kdr)
Website style updates
Server updates
New tutorial video
Bots now sprint closer to their bunkers off the break
Bots can now be configured to play crouched bunkers
Website style updates
Game style updates
Server updates
Fixed shooting through stacked bunkers bug
Fixed a few invalid map test server crash issues
AI will only take over during active play
AI takeover bots will now move to the closest unused position
Bot will now predict movement to better hit you on the run
Added a minimal player breathing animation
Added new gun sound
Updated / Optimized chat lobby to use websockets
Render speed updates / results in better FPS
Server updates
Added pump tournaments
Bots will now use pump gun sounds when playing with a pump gun
Fixed field editor "flicker" issues
Fixed field editor saving bad images
Bots now take over a player when they abandon the game
Added a pump gun
Added StatTrack for pump gun
Added a recent top games leaderboard ticker
Added a higher score modifier for shooting players over bots
Removed the quick join and spectate buttons from tournaments
Restyled the game to be in the center of the screen
Updated map selector to display more maps
Sorted player maps in most recent order
Fixed time display error (always showing :02 for the minutes)
Fixed bug where the tournament notifier would ding at you when you where done early
Updated tournament fields to play the same (team size and bot fill) before the tournament
Game style updates
Website/Mobile style updates (new mobile menu & mobile homepage)
Server updates
Fixed Anon's seeing Registered on all tournaments
Field paint now degrades into field on round end
Reordered layout to make rooms more available
Removed new quick links from anon's in unavailable rooms
Added spectators to the room overlay
Website style updates
Server updates
Fixed Anon's seeing Signup on available rooms
Fix for leaderboard displaying people not in game
Fix to remove queue jumpers
Implemented a queue position display
Fixed broken /uptime command
Added ingame chat /help command
Added quick Spectate and Join game links
Server restarts should now remember your spectating status
Website style updates
Server updates
Updated tournament display to support bot fill
XP Gained added to end match leaderboard progress
Fix for bad "bunker loading" on room restarts
Added local timezone display for tournaments
Added displaying of gained XP on match end
Added donator priority for test servers
Fixed broken Field Editor
Fixed bunker collisions on edges of map
Added display of users in active rooms
Game style updates
Website style updates
Change to update cache cleaner system
New in-game tutorial image for new and anon players
Tutorial now has easy access button for new or anon players
Bot fill tournaments now implemented
Sighlines now don't show for players in queue
In game audio setting is now remembered
Fixed the tournament notification bug
Fixed bug where crouching players can spot through short bunkers in Sightlines
Fixed XP bonus modifiers to being additive rather then multiplicative
Game style updates
Website style updates
Added secondary checks to close map picker
Added toggleable Sightlines orb in editor
Added tutorial to the ingame menu
Updated Sightlines logic to notice and ping from spotting the edge of a player
Teammate names added to global view in Sightlines
Added a "Public Test Room" system, to allow map testing and "unofficial/unapproved" map play
Added XP bonus modifier system (Daily's, Sightlines, Tournaments)
Fixed player preview bug
Fixed a few notification bugs
Website style updates (new homepage hero)
Created a Line of Sight mechanic. "Sightlines"
Added a rounded bunker option to the map editor and made as default
Updated dorito size calculations to be proper
Fixed single quotes in map names becoming un-editable
Fixed bug with invalid teams getting tournament notifications
Tournament room now shows proper status when registration is closed
Disabled playability during map selection (causing stats bug)
Fixed Anon's first join game load to display correctly
X-Ball archive updates
Website style updates
Fixed paint hanging on players through the next round
Implemented paint fading on players from round to round
Possible fix to erroneous "server crash" issue
Fixed AFK in queue change
Added bot takeover event
Updated sort order of tournament rooms
Added player pack & pack color customization
Added player's custom scattered pod's and paint to player preview's
Fixed bug in ping display over 255
Fixed gibberish in chat/lobby room when certain characters were used
Added detailed info to the tournament room display
New homepage hero video (Thanks Peanut!)
Website/Mobile style updates (Login & User pages now supported on mobile)
Fixed the error'd player on joining a field (game ending too soon)
Added a chime to the tournament short time notice
Added a whistle to when you are playing next in a tournament
Added a notice in the brackets about your current tournament status
Added in-game notification for upcoming tournament
Added SMS and Email notification system for tournaments
Added link to tournament match game
Added minimum distance to the velocity bounce check
Added afk check in tournaments
Fixed a few cases where the bots would play without active players
Updated field editor to now select closest object
Website style updates
Added display on game select page
Added min-level setting to rooms
Fixed tournament trophy handout and displaying
Added tournament button to room information
Added tournament alternate notice and text
Added server tick variance, client update variance, and server work% to stat box
Fixed "slow at start of game" bug
Display registered teams in tournament list
Added server to tournament list and page
You can now leave a 1v1 tournament
Fixed crouch speed to take reloading/swabbing max speed
Added trophy icon to tournament games in match log
Shortened tournament wait time for empty/un-full teams
Website style updates
Ingame Quit now sends you to game select page
Fixed limitation bypass on tournament team joining
Alternated player names in spectate and queue to avoid overlap
Added 3rd and 1st place rows to brackets
Added 20 character limitation to team name and team display (Thanks? Stanislav2000)
Prioritized reload and swabbing over shooting/ramping
Website style updates
Added ramping option to servers
Initial Teams Tournament test code
Added tournament scheduler
Swab and reload now exclusive
Speed reduction while swabbing and reloading
Added limitations to top leaderboards
Fixed player level not displaying in leaderboards
Bots will no longer "spam fire" if they run out of paint
Fixed rooms list to have full live correct information
Spectator position overload fix
Added tournament results to in-game bracket
Added tournament notification header and check to site
Fixed error in password recover
Test and actually implement "Clear messages on bot takeover"
Website style updates
Initial Trophy implementation
Initial Singles Tournament test code
In game chat command system implemented
Added field gallery sorting options
Added created and edited dates to maps
Added score to game info
Added more stats as well as time frames to leaderboard
Removed empty maps section from profiles
Cleaned up some bad game stat logic
Added creator map link to game leaderboard
Flair displayed in game leaderboard
Clear messages on bot takeover (Thanks tyronejk!)
Website style updates
Login assistance (reset password)
Top player leaderboards
Added a "King of the hill" (winning team stays in) game mode
Restructured flair code interface
Team queues and team switching
Updates to room reload mechanic
Sign-up bug fixed
New top donators list in donation page
New dropped frames metric
Net hit calculations tweaked
Level unlock display fixed in header
Website style updates
Sound overhaul / New audio profile (tons of new sounds!)
Added a lot of new content (hoppers, guns, shell colors, paint fills)
Firefox support
Added paintball fill color customizer
Bots are now slightly customized in appearance and guns
Implemented item unlock text when leveling
Continued bitcode data encoding (bandwidth update)
Fixed so that everyone gets the AI takeover update
Fixed issue clicking users on leaderboard
Website style updates
Updated personal audio profile
Possible "rogue AI" bug fix
Fixed bug with saving users settings
Updated turf images to proper size/fidelity
Updated player settings in game to not be hidden behind menu (Thanks DK!)
Website style updates
Swapped paint and messages with taken over AI
Removed AFK check from queued players
Possible queueing and "dead but hitable" player fix
Website style updates
Leveling and XP progression with item unlocks + new content!
Altered ball flight mechanic over short bunkers to scale based on distance
Added "bunkering" over close/short bunkers
Added lobby chat system
Added "who hit me" indicator
Fixed getting hit through crouched bunkers
Fixed names disappearing bug
Updated AFK mechanics
Select game images will now update live
Added popular tag and "In Rotation" list to field gallery
Added support for 1v1 - 10v10 maps
Removal of loadout system
Rebuild of end of game leaderboard
Added gun barrel color customizations
Added pod color customizations
Added other gun sounds
Anon users get limited field access
Fixed bunker layering bug
Website style updates
Server stability fixes
Fixed leaderboard placing issue
Fixed bug in AFK check
Fixed bot swab
Added some server "rogue user/player" checks
Website style updates
Added "flair" system
Added both team previews with name and flair
Altered shot accuracy/velocity algorithm
Fixed quit button asking to leave game
Fixed spectator position on map change
Changed initial "play on" time from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
Added a AFK check to kick to spectator
Ability to switch from spectator to queue and back, in game
Fix in place for spectator collisions
Added adjustable size/peek distance to bot positions in field editor
Automatic popular map updating (7 day rolling)
Version based auto code de-cacher
Clean up of current map vote
Website style updates
Server stability fixes
Map picker
Donation page
Update shell colors
Added server, room, and map to leaderboard
Notice/News system on game select page
Added bot rank to game stats page
Added player preview to settings page
Allow users to login with either username or email
Editor now has some lower bunker color/contrast control
Server crash notification and reload fix
New German Server!
Removed the visibility of anon profiles
Overlay auto-scrolls updated
Update to allowed username's and profile url
Fix bug with resetting empty rooms
Website style updates
Server stability fixes
Field editor color bug on load
Fix for incorrect active player numbers
Score now sends to new players on load
Bunker render order now the same in field as editor
65k score issue fixed
When last person leaves game with someone in queue, game reloads
Close window alert does not trigger on intended location change
Field Editor!
New Multiplayer Fields
Dynamic bunker color system
New East Coast Server!
System notifications on player join and exit
Added ping to leaderboard
Added "flash" indication on screen when a bounce is received
Removed spectators from end game stats
Fix Spectator game initiation bug
Fix AI rank display bug
Fix reload logic bug
Website style updates
Server stability fixes
Fixed a bug with the end of round kills, deaths, and K/D numbers (thanks MuscleP4nda!)
Broke out game code
Created basic A.I. difficulty variation
Added more rooms
Saving experience to user as well as user level
Feedback information update
Created initial profile and game pages
Website style updates
Server stability fixes
Fix an issue where your shots would survive the round into the next round (thanks Cwills!)
X-ball pc game hosting page added
Updated homepage with new video/images thumbs
Website style tweaks
Removed bug with "sprint jumping"
Cursor aiming bug updated
Remember me added to login
Player pods added, both on player and on ground
Field Lines
Client audio/ball crash possible fixes
Server stability fixes
Sanity reload check (if you have over 2/3 of your pod left, it won't reload on single tap. Double Press to force-reload if your pod is over 2/3 full.)
AI now prioritizes and targets the 3 closest enemy players
Name positions and colors updated for style and clarity
Your player name is now White
Separated spectator and player number counts
Added In game server crash notification and recovery
Separated player chat and system notifications in chat/menu interface
Updated color of hits notifications in chat
Website style updates
Server stability fixes
Massive network improvement (moved main data broadcast to byte encoded)
In game chat system
Hit logs in chat
Update to player tick architecture
Spectator Mode
Updating "play on" logic (that more you get hit, the shorter your play on)
Stability fixes
Website style tweaks
Creation of changelog page
Threading of all DB calls to avoid game hitches
Walkback tweaks
Website style tweaks
Stability fixes
Player loadout fix
Website style tweaks
Stability fixes
Swap with AI players after out
Win condition fix
Website style tweaks
Stability fixes
Implementation of AI
Sprint used only when moving
Java Multi-player Server migration
PHP Multi-player Server creation
Initial single player alpha release
Bugs: The game is in alpha. This means random issues may occur (server freezing, rogue bots, and general mayhem.) If you run into any issues, please be patient and send some feedback through our Feedback Button , this will help us track and fix the issues as fast as possible.
Lag: Currently the game is very ping dependent for smoothness in gameplay. If you get 150+ ping to the server, have bad internet, are streaming/downloading anything in the background (or if anyone on your network is) you may have a degraded playing experience (stuttering/lag)
The gameplay should feel perfectly smooth if you get <= 90ms Ping with 60+ FPS (Refer to netgraph at top right of in-game screen.)
Features: During alpha, features, interfaces, systems, and gameplay mechanics may change drastically. We incourage suggestions and Feedback